Letter to the editor – Bonnie Silbaugh

Dear editor,

With the many negative political races that are in front of us every day, I’d like to write a positive letter of support for one of our residents running for city council, Matt Wetrich.

Wetrich is a name that residents, including myself, are just getting to know from his close race last November against Lisa Jaskey. Matt has been a resident of Jefferson for 10 years and has been here long enough to witness Jefferson’s strengths and weaknesses. He knows that we need to attract young families and that we can do that with housing and an active community.

It is important to elect a variety of personalities to a council so our entire town can be represented. Don’t just vote for the last name you have heard the longest, but the person who will help keep the council at a balance. Vote for a person that not only speaks for young families, but has one. Who isn’t only talking about the full-time working person, but is a full-time working person in a two income household. Matt Wetrich is excited at the opportunity to be on the council and is willing to take the time to do a great job. He can bring progression, positivity, and an open mind while having respect for what has worked well in the past.

Matt will be at Greene Bean Coffee this Saturday, Nov. 5, from 8 to 11 am to greet residents, share his fresh ideas, thoughts on family, and the future of Jefferson. He welcomes all to attend.

Sincerely, Bonnie Silbaugh, Jefferson

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